I can't sit here and tell you how much I love this game. How when I walk out onto an empty soccer feild alone, with the sun still up, making the grass shine brighter then it ever could with morning dew on it. With the sky still blue as it can be with no clouds to add any gloom to the perfect picture moment. When the lights stand taller than any other thing around with the exception of a few silhouette tree tops lying in the suns path. When the birds are still chirping, taking away any other sound that may erupt inthe distance. That's a moment where I feel as if I'm about to take on the world.
Now, while I understand you may not be able to comprehend this moment of pure beauty and greatness, that's cool. It's just, soccer's my thing, and that is just simply put a wondrous moment for me. I could name a million just about soccer. Like the feeling you get when you take off your socks and shin guards after an intence match in a far away town, and the wind seems to take over your damp shins making everything seem okay. I won't talk about the smell, however...
But arn't smells wonderful? Having the ability to smell a scent so great (or not so great) that lets you reminisce on a grand time in your life. Like the smell of an old high school summer camp, your childhood bestfriends house, fresh and crisp mountain air, chlorine in your hair, the dentist office sent, whatever it may be that reminds you of a time where your life was marked, where you felt alive. The best part is you don't have to be in the location to smell it. They sometimes just come in random whiffs of air, whether your laying back on your grandparents hammock with a fresh glass of ice water in retro spect, or just having an outing and that essence of a time stolen from you in the form of a smell comes up.
Taking a trip down memory lane is one of my favorite things to do. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about living in the moment, but with some of my past years holding such rich, cherrishable memories, how could i dare to forget them?
So, I mean... I wrote that a long time ago. Probably last March or something. The point is, I just got invited to a friendly soccer game up at my favorite feild on the plannet, and my heart wants nothing more then to be there with the ball between my feet. Is this weird... to love a game this much? Because sometimes I feel like no one knows what I'm talking about. You know, the headaches I get from this game are pretty bad. Maybe I just forget about the pain sometimes... but I think I could deal with them. I really do, or maybe not. Maybe I'm just not supposed to be playing this game. Maybe it's just something I love that I should only do from time to time. I don't know, but this is weighing on my heart. I love this game.
Now, I wrote the paragraph above this... yesturday. The day before I had one of the worse migranes of my entire life. I think it's funny how I can't really remember pain... I mean, I'm unbelievable thankful, but maybe I wouldn't want to keep trying to play soccer again if I would just remember how much pain I'm really feeling from it. I don't think I'm going to play this season, it breaks my heart, but I can deal. I still will get to practice with my little bro and go watch his games, and of course my neighbors games. That fills my heart with so much joy.
I guess I'll go to bed now, I have much rampaging to do, you know. I just, need to sleep for now. There's rampaging to come though, so don't worry. Goodnight. Also, I'm almost positive a lot of spelling / grammer in this post is wrong... Criticism is always welcomed.
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