Monday, February 1, 2010

I'm so gangster,

I'm so thug, you're the only one I'm dreaming of, ya see? :)

Well I've had a bit of a crazy weekend. I turned seventeen, and I've never had a better birthday. My school friends spoiled me up the butt and I probably gained five pounds. I even got to be "that girl with the obnoxious balloon." :) Then I hung out with the Harp (alllllllll weekend) and we just laughed. I had dinner with the fam, and of course it was great. My mom got me glorious presents which had me questioning if she was my boyfriend. Haha. Big joke, but seriously, diamond earings mother? Then, Katie the creeper Brown sent me on a scavanger hunt. Which had me go to Rogo's house (which was probably my favorite part, because he's the funniest person alive. Downing popcorn like there is no tomorrow.) to Windseths, to the Russerts, to Stephs, then all the way back to the church where Miley Cyrus was boomin' and there were Christmas lights, Hannah balloons and greatness. Haha. I litterally am surrounded by the greatest people.

Saturday was more laid back, but a day of realization.
1. Car accidents are serious. Honestly, I never noticed how careful you need to be when driving. I also didn't notice how much it freaked me out to have Steph get into an accident. Honestly, at the scene of the acident, my insides had a melt down. That's not the point though. "Dipstick" is all I will say.

Okay, so not that much of a realization. Sunday I went to Journey and wanted to vomit all over everyone. However, then I hung out at Stephs for the day and Davy is just my favorite little boy ever! :) So adorable. Steph, Momster, Zuk, and I went out to Olive Garden. I almost got hit. Haha. Ridiculous old men backing straight into you no matter how many times you honk your horn. Dude, Steph's moving into her new appartment soon. Work out room & Pool. Can you say tan & skinny!? Victory! It was a crazy weekend, but all the stress was off and it felt great.
The stress is back on now, and it is ridiculous how hard second semester is in comparison to the first. I just got to seriously buckle down, like right now. Time to go dominate Huck Finn.

Southern Voice - Tim McGraw. JAMMER.
Haaa. Peace in the Mid-Ramen east. :)

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