Why? I’ll tell you why. Here we are, all of us, basically alone, separate creatures, just circling each other, all searching for that slightest hint of a real connection. Some look in the wrong places. Some — they just give up hope because, in their mind, they’re thinking, ‘Oh, there’s nobody out there for me,’ but all of us we keep trying over and over again. Why? Because every once in a while…every once in a while, two people meet and there’s that spark, and, yes, Bones, he’s handsome and she’s beautiful and maybe that’s all they see at first, but making love…making love…that’s when two people become one.
-Special Agent Seely Booth.
Now that would have been a good Valentines day post. :)
Anywho, I've had a pretty good... Life. What? 200/200 on my Chem test, 51/50 on my math... Scoreeee. If only I could do that good on the SATs, what? Anywho. I have the best friend in Stephanie Harp, and the best brother ever: Zukie. Also, ZJ. :) Life is difficult, but we make it work. I've actually got it quite easy. None the less, Junior year is buttlove. I just need to get through the CPT sometime this month, the ACT April 10th, and the SAT again May 1st. Oh, atleast I've got my God. Without Him I am not even here. Luckily, I do have Him. :) Ash Wednesday is... this Wednesday. Time to give some stuff up that is hindering my relationship with the Morning star. The four year anniversery of my baptism is friday. Febuary 19th. I can not believe it's been four years. This is the year that I doubted that on that day I could say my relationship with my God has improved, but I can say that we are closer now. I can say that now. I'll never fall out of love with You.
It is scientifically impossible for two objects to occupy the same space. - Bones
Yeah, but what’s important is we try, and when we do it right, we get close. - Booth
To what? Breaking the laws of physics? - Bones
Yeah, Bones — a miracle. - Booth
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