Sometimes people walk out of your life. I consider those people to be unforgivable jerks. You know what I say to them?: You know what!? You know what!? Hey! Never come back here again, okay!? On a more serious note, who is a person to all of a sudden pick up and leave? Am I being hypocritical, yes. I just don't understand how us humans could be so heartless. I hate my dad, but at least he's never left me. Whem someone leaves it hurts, whether it is subconsious or not. They don't even have to go far, they can be around you all the time, but when you look into their eyes, you don't see that person you once shared your heart with. You no longer can find truth in their words, and love on their face. That just hurts.
My life has been facing a lot of ups and downs lately. Nevertheless, God is the dominant part of my life, and when he continues to be, then I continue to have an everlasting joy in my heart taht goes no where. My darkest moments are never to dark when I acknowledge God's presence in my life. Never ceases to amaze me.
I have the greatest family. I have a really grand best friend. I've got the best buddys in my faith. I've basically got it goin' on... However, sometimes things get bad. Sometimes things are harder then they should be.
"Num Nummmm" - Me.
"That's bad, right?" - Neil.
"No...." - Katie & I.
"Oh well I thought good was yum yum. What's bad then?" - Neil.
"Num noooooooooo!" - Katie & I.
Anyways, things have secretly, SECRETLY, been going well lately. Only in secret though. I'm just very happy right now. I think that God's love will conqure all. Even though sometimes I don't know how to believe or how to live out Gods will.. I think it will all unfold. Whatever anything means anymore. I don't know what I say sometimes...
Sometimes people walk into your life, they don't have to be a big part of it to have a huge impact on it. You can see them once or twice, know them for years, or live with them for a lifetime. The people who come in, the people who stay, the people who have made a difference.. Those are the ones who matter.
Sometimes forgiveness is neccissary for the people who walk out. It was most likely for the better. "If you find someone you can trust, hold onto them". They'll let you down, and it'll hurt like hell to love them, but I think you know that it's best to have them there... by your side. Even when they leave, even when they betray you, even when they break your heart...
"wouldn't it be nice to leave it open ended & pretend it could go either way..."
I will leave it open ended, because I'm not quite sure how to finish it.
He's not finished with me yet.
P.S. I really love being "April Mills". :)
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